No weapon drop on death

In previous Bethesda games NPC’s would always drop their weapon upon death, this can potentially cause save bloat as the game will now keep track of the weapon for the rest of your game even after the bodies have disappeared. This mod prevents NPC’s from dropping their weapon when killed so when a cell resets the weapon should vanish with the body as well.

After a certain quest that involved a lot of killing I returned to the location only to find out the bodies had disappeared but the weapons they used were still lying around, hence why I made this mod.

As always use at your own risk, I’m not responsible if this mod turns your cat into a dog irl.


Thank you to the Nexus team and all modders. Thanks Bethesda too but goddamn kill gamebryo already. Also awaiting Fallout Sole Survivor’s Edition or Project Bahston whatever they decide to call it.

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