USAF Bomber Jacket – Standalone (WIP)

Adds the Bomber Jacket for the BoS as a new seperate unique armor Male only currently.

In the National Guard Armory at National Guard Training Yard

Manual Installation:

1. Just take the USAFBomberJacket.esp and mesh folder drop it in Fallout 4\Data next to Fallout4.esm and any other mods you might have.

2. Open the plugin.txt found in %localappdata%\Fallout4 and type USAFBomberJacket.esp at the bottom of the file.

3. Save the plugin.txt

4. Play


Q: Will you make a female version?
A: Yes

Q: Did you use FO4Edit?
A: Yes

Q: Are you gonna change the stats?
A: Yes im still working on balancing the stats

-Better stats and Misc Mod support

-Added Ballistic Weave Support


Bethesda for original Mesh and Texture
All the devs of Nifscope
All the devs of TES5Edit (FO4Edit)

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