Power Rad – X

A massive re-texture to the Rad-X

I can’t think of a more immersive way to add Rad-X into the wastelands.. I don’t think there’s any need to make a dirty Power Rad-X due to Rad-X being a pre war need and a way of life now in the wastelands and thus should be very clean for public use.

story goes like this a group of settles scavenge the wastelands picking up these empty Power Rad bottles found scattered along the wastelands (before the war and the bombs going off Power Rad was a top sports drink) these settles are friends with the commonwealth and have sold there empty bottles to them for decades, The commonwealth started producing a specifically formulated formula called Power Rad-X (this was just to stop the people from complaining that taking Rad-X was killing them inside and did more damage then good) After a few weeks of selling Power Rad-X word spread of the drink that tasted great and healed you from the inside could be found in the wastelands The commonwealth grow strong and rich from being the leading suppler of Power Rad-X just like you see today.

Introducing THE BLUE POWER RAD-X BOTTLE, it’s not hard to miss at all, great details in the bottle, I hope you enjoy the immersive feel that my bottle gives you.. lol had to add a joke 🙂

Also check out my other mod called Australian Pre War Cash here is the link (American cash added)
Thanks and enjoy!

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