Glow Mags

All magazines have a white glow to make them pop out more when you’re exploring. It’s nothing major and it doesn’t add any color to the magazines so you should be able to display ’em and get the vanilla look without any color distortion.

Known Issues

The following magazines are invisible when inspected:
Massachusetts Surgical Journal: ER Nurses Confess All
Massachusetts Surgical Journal: Happy Sedation Special
Live and Love: I Married a Robot!
Grognak the Barbarian: Demon Slaves, Demon Sands

It seems that Bethesda forgot to place the texture models for each of those magazines in the appropriate place so the game loads no textures when you inspect them. The only way I have found to fix the issue is to unpack the texture b2a and move ’em to the appropriate folder. This doesn’t affect the magazines when seen in the world or displayed on shelves.


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