Day Night Cycle – Longer Days Shorter Nights (and Longer Nights)

Day Night Cycle: Longer days, Shorter Nights…


Simple mod for Longer days and shorter nights… I have tried a lot of posibilities and I find this one ok for me!
The Sun rises at about 3am and sets between 9pm and 10pm…

Day = 3am to 9pm (18 hours)
Night = 10pm to 3am (5 Hours)
Oh my god! We lost 1 hour! Naw, it’s in transit, see?

Mod this as you want! This is only like, a proof of concept that show, easily, that the day/night cycle can be tweaked… I do not understand the exact relation between the global variables and the climate entries but to make it work “ok”, I needed to change both…
You can always give a thank you however!
Hey, what the hell, it works! Shorter nights!

Anyone thinks even the day goes too fast?
set timescale to 6
Time goes a lot slower!

Night Day Cycle makes it for Longer Nights, Shorter Days… Proof of concept again, so it can be done on both side… Tested it, but not enough, so if someone want to take it apart, be my guest! 🙂
9 Hours day, 14 hours night…

Night Day Cycle 2 makes it for Longer Nigts, Shorter Days… Test even less then the first one! But it should work fine!
5 hours day, 18 hours nights… More or less anyway! Shorter days! Proof of concept!


1- Your Fallout4prefs.ini must have “bEnableFileSelection=1” (That’s law 1 for esp modding!)
2- Your plugins.txt (in “User\[Youruser]\AppData\Local\Fallout4”) must have a line with “LightDark.esp” or the name you wanna give the file!
3- Just extract the esp(s) in your Data Folder
4- Have fun!

Don’t forget, on ONE AT ONCE!!!

Note: As other Bethesda games on an a similar engine, Day/Night cycle may be screwed at first… Happened in all the others before it since Fo3 and Oblivion!

War… War never changes… Well, except if you mod it of course!

– Initial Release! Proof of concept thing!

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