Creature Follower ESP version

Pre-CK mod…
It’s a creature named after your son, who follows you around.

They have full follower features excluding the relationship chat. They do not take up the follower slot so you can technically have two followers with this. You can have either a deathclaw, yao guai, gen1synth, gen2synth, cat, Mutant Hound, super mutant behemoth, raider dog, gorilla, radscorpion, or a vicious dog.

(The cat can not enter combat.)

Also if enough people ask, I will add dogmeat as one of these that you can have dogmeat and an other companion.

Extract files to Fallout 4 directory

Open console and click anywhere to select a random refid. Can not be player or other npc refid. Alternatively go to Vault 111 exterior and click on the radstag in console
Use the console command :
For deathclaw:
“bat shaunclaw”
and again
“bat shaunclaw”
For yao guai:
“bat shaunbear”
and again
“bat shaunbear”
For gen1synth:
“bat shaunbot”
and again
“bat shaunbot”
For gen2synth:
“bat shaunbot2”
and again
“bat shaunbot2”
For cat:
“bat shauncat”
and again
“bat shauncat”
For Mutant Hound:
“bat shaunhound”
and again
“bat shaunhound”
For super mutant behemoth:
“bat shaunmoth”
and again
“bat shaunmoth”
For raider dog:
“bat shaunraiddog”
and again
“bat shaunraiddog”
For gorilla:
“bat shaunrilla”
and again
“bat shaunrilla”
For radscorpion:
“bat shaunscorp”
and again
“bat shaunscorp”
For vicious dog:
“bat shaunvicdog”
and again
“bat shaunvicdog”
to get Shaun(the creature)to follow you around.

Fast travel somewhere for the creature to appear if it isn’t there already.

To load the mod into the game edit this file:
…and add Shaun.esp to the list of mods to load.

More mods than just this one add .esp files to the game. For the included console command text files to work as intended, the .esp file NEEDS to be loaded immediately after Fallout4.esm, because the command files reference form IDs from mod index 01. The alternative, of course, is to edit the text files and replace all instances of 01777778 with xx777778, where the xx is replaced with the zero-based index of the position of the esp file in the load order. Good luck!

Make sure to mark the file as read-only after you edit it!

or Use a mod manager.

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