Arbitration – Better Combat AI

Makes the AI try to shoot you as if they were trying to kill you, rather than stand there as if they were trying to be killed.


This is a standalone file, but is much more fun if you just install Arbitration. From the first Arbitration review by Maleficus04:

I’ve been looking forward to something like this for a while. So far, it’s AMAZING. I got noticed while walking by some enemies and it actually caught me off guard because I was so used to how blind they used to be. The with the damage and AI tweaks, the gunfights feel like gunfights and not “stand out in the open and gunning down the idiots.” And the molotovs…. good lord THE MOLOTOVS! They’re soooo much better now. There’s actually a reason to use them even after you buy frags now.

From the drunk description in Arbitration:

So I start playing with combat behaviors. It’s not messing with code, ’cause I can’t, just how the AI uses code. And the code is actually pretty decent! But unfortunately this game shares much of its code with medieval games like Skyrim. In those games, passive defending is a good idea. Swordplay, yo. But in this game, you have a gun and someone else has a gun. How do you defend? BY SHOOTING YOUR FUCKING GUN. And I start messing with behaviors and lo and behold telling people to be 100% attack does not tell them NOT to seek cover. It doesn’t tell them NOT to strafe. It doesn’t tell them NOT to flank. It tells them to shoot at you in 100% of the situations in which shooting at a person is a logical decision when you want them to have bullet holes in them rather than you have bullet holes in you.

Telling people to be 100% defense does not tell them to seek cover. It does not tell them to strafe. It does not tell them to flank. It tells them to wait on you to shoot them. STUPIDITY. A basic child’s understanding of ballistics isn’t rocket science – defending with a gun involves shooting the gun. So I FIXES IT. And I add flanking flags instead of dueling flags (to ranged ppl, not to melee), and I tell them to strafe like they’ve at least played counterstrike once, and I make it to where they don’t stop shooting just because they’re in a large group… that’s the time to unload your clip, not let some other motherfucker have his turn while you wait for yours! Concentrated fire, ppl.

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