Destruction for FO4 by MM10

Be the trap master, Create elaborate traps and destroy the world. Now you can use those bulk ammo stacks and drop them together , sneak in, they shoot at those missles, KABOOM. I’m sorry i suck at making mod descriptions.

Grenades, Mines, and Ammo that should explode in real life if shot at or something nearby explodes in contact with the object.
They are now made destructible.

Affected Weapons :
Frag Mine
Frag Grenade
Plasma Grenade
Plasma Mine
Pulse Grenade
Pulse Mine
Nuka Grenade
Cryo Grenade
Cryo Mine
Bottlecap Mine
Baseball Grenade
Hallucigen Grenade
Molotov Cocktail
Nuke Mine

Affected Ammo :
Mini Nuke

Future Plans :
Ammo Box already done, but they explode like frag grenade currently – I don’t have an idea to set this to explode using the contents inside without geck/F4SE
Almost every static object to be destructible – I need someone to teach me how to create destruction meshes, I’m obsolete and still stuck at blender, maybe someone can teach me.
Most likely until this becomes similar to the Destruction mod in FO3.

Bugs :
Grenades and Mines, once dropped they don’t get damaged by other explosions, they can only be destroyed by shooting at them. All ammo works wonders if added destruction data , so I don’t know why its like this with grenade and mines, if you can help me fix it, YAY 🙂


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